Transport & Logistics
As a gateway to Europe, the Netherlands is a global leader in the Transport & Logistics sector. Maintaining this position places serious demands on the companies in this sector. Companies in the sector must be innovative. Customers are increasingly demanding, requiring just-in-time delivery and a real-time overview into delivery processes. This requires cooperation, effective and safe use of data and the continuous optimization of product flows. Companies must also respond to external challenges, such as the Brexit and new targets imposed by the authorities to reduce CO2 emissions. To meet these challenges, solid legal advice is essential.
Experience in Transport & Logistics
Our office is conveniently located in a logistics hub near Schiphol and is connected to the most important highways of the Netherlands. However, we are not only active in our immediate surroundings. We advise companies in the sector throughout the Netherlands. This includes assisting transport and delivery firms as well as transport and logistics facilitating companies, such as parking service providers. Our specialists also have experience in various aviation bankruptcies, including Air Holland, Boon transport and Jet Airways.
We advise and litigate in matters related to subcontracting with direct subcontractors or via labour platforms. We offer legal advice regarding data use and privacy risks to those providing customers with status information on their shipments. In the event of financial difficulties, we also provide risk assessments, explore cooperation opportunities and, where necessary, deliver restructuring plans, acquisition assistance or restart.