Melinda Gayir
LawyerMelinda is a lawyer since 2020 and specialises in administrative law and environmental law. She litigates and advises on various Administrative Law and Environmental Law subjects, such as zoning plans, enforcement issues, environmental permits for (large) construction projects and the Open Government Act.
What distinguishes Melinda as a lawyer are her dedication and her practial approach.
After her studies, she first worked as a senior legal counsel in the Judiciary for a couple of years. She has worked in the field of Administrative and Environmental Law since 2016. She has gained extensive experience in large spatial planning projects.
Melinda likes to contribute to the professional development of her relations. She gives lectures about the developments in the areas of law in which she operates.
- Administrative Law
- Law concerning the physical environment
- Environmental Law
- Nature Conservation Law
- Energy transition and climate adaptation
- Disclosure of government information
- Regulation and enforcement
- Public order
Background and related activities
- Publisher for the SDU 'Administrative Law and Environmental Law' newsletter
- Volunteer Lawyers for Lawyers, focus group Southeast Asia
- Member of the Environmental Law Association (VMR), the Administrative Law Association (VAR) and the Construction Law Association (VBR)
- Public Lawyer with the Judiciary
- Master’s of Law, VU University Amsterdam